Cancellation Policy Details

Reservations up to 30 days.

Free cancellation or dates change until 15 days before check-in time. If booked less than 15 days before check-in, free cancellation or dates change for 48 hours after booking, up to 24 hours before check-in. All fees including cleaning fee are non-refundable after that time. Dates change is not possible after the free cancellation windows is over.

Optionally you can opt-in for the Stay Flex option during the booking process to extend your cancellation window or change your reservation dates up to 5 days before check-in.

Reservations of 30 days or more.

More than 30 days before check-in: Full refund of all rent and utility payments made in advance.

15 to 30 days before check-in: Charged 50% of the first month’s rent.

15 days or less before check-in: Charged the first month’s rent in full.

Additional Terms:

The above cancellation terms also apply to date changes.

Promotional and discounted rates are non-refundable at any time of cancellation.

Early Termination of the Lease:

Tenant-initiated early termination before the end of the agreed term, there is a penalty of one month lease and the drop-off the guarantee.